
IOS 4.3.3 Jailbreak released by Comex

by on Jul.13, 2011, under Tech

On July 6th 2011 Comex released his highly anticipated iPad 2 Jailbreak.  Although I have been waiting for this Jailbreak for what seems like an eternity,  I can’t help but feel a little cheated by its early release.  I believe that Comex might have been waiting for IOS 5.0 to mature or even be released before releasing Jailbreakme.com so that iPad 2 users could have the option of Jailbreaking either revision of IOS.  

Of course, by chance someone stumbled upon a beta of the Jailbreak and leaked it out, so Comex didn’t have the luxury of waiting for Apple to release an IOS 4.3.4 fix before he officially released the jailbreak.  Although I am happily utilizing my jailbroken iPad now with all of my tweaks, I know that I will be endlessly waiting for Comex and the geniuses from the Dev Team to come up with another vulnerability to unlock IOS 5 on the iPad 2.   Until then I’ll be happy that my iPad 2 is actually useful now.

Thanks to COMEX!

You can find his jailbreak for iPad 2 @  www.jailbreakme.com 

Don’t forget to install the PDF exploit patch “PDF Patcher2” on Cydia. 

There have been other bug fixes with cydia so make sure you keep it updated and make sure if you are an iPad 2 user… Don’t upgrade to IOS 4.3.4!

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